AR Tennis: Tennis Essentials
Tennis training has been relatively stagnant through the years, with using traditional teaching tools. As technology in general continues to evolve, opportunities to incorporate new technology advances into Tennis training become available. AR Tennis’s Tennis Essentials focuses on serving as a bridge between competition and training by incorporating data from competition, presenting it for players to review and connecting to AR Tennis’s target system to train weaknesses. Tennis Essentials provides a visual for players to review what is working and not in competition, connect to AR Tennis target system to train weaknesses and help measure improvement.
Virtual Tennis Court
Tennis Essentials includes a virtual Tennis court that coaches / players can show anywhere you are training (at home, on the Tennis Court etc.). Players and or Coaches can discuss strategies of a previous match or pattern development by moving a Tennis Racquet on the court and placing the ball on desired location on the court. This concept replaces the traditional whiteboard that is currently used to discuss patterns and strategy. The advantages of using Augmented Reality to project a Tennis Court, is that we can overlay data from previous training sessions, open up video from a previous match and analyze it, place targets over the virtual court and place them over the live Tennis Net and more. Tennis Essentials serves as the nucleus relating to the AR Tennis app, housing your data,
Strategic Tool:
Utilizing Tennis Essentials Virtual Tennis Court as a strategic tool allows coaches and players to discuss strategies and review patterns relating to a specific match etc. Coaches and Players can review on the Tennis Court or after the match anywhere – which provides flexibility to review match strategies – as court time is sometimes hard to secure if you are traveling for tournaments or a college match.
Record and Review Later:
Record review sessions with audio, save them and review later from anywhere. Coaches can review match strategies or pre-strategies via Tennis Essentials, record it and then send it to players. Players can review the strategies before matches to understand match strategies.
Collaborate from Anywhere:
With Magic Leap’s Avatar Chat which allows you to connect through the Magic Leap headsets using Avatar’s to chat. This tool allows you to share content that is saved in the Gallery. Using Tennis Essentials, you can record audio strategies for a team match from your office (college etc.) with players / Assistant Coach on a tournament site (different location) and review match strategies.
Review Technical: Utilize the Magic Leap’s camera from a 1st person and record player Serve, Forehand etc. from a technical perspective and connect via Avatar chat and share content to resolve technical issues between college matches, junior tournaments etc. This provides an opportunity for Junior Coaches to see what technical issues are occurring without relying on parents interpretation and College Head Coaches ability to review technical related items and discuss with Assistant Coach to enforce with the players on site.