Current vs Augmented Reality Target Training

Tennis is a strategic and technical sport.   Junior players spend their training time learning body rotation, correct footwork, contact points etc. and understanding how to structure points to get them in good winning positions.   In order to do this, Coaches have used physical objects to give players targets to hit, video tape to review technical items in Forehands/Backhands etc.  While these methods have served well over the years, as technology advances, additional benefits are available for players to enhance their training methods.  With the introduction of Augmented Reality into Tennis, AR Tennis LLC,  has the ability to increase the flexibility of placing targets over the net through using holograms to provide a visual when pattern training, ability to track data when hitting, discuss strategy through a virtual Tennis Court, review match footage etc.  and convert to live hitting.   Thus creating a training system that Coaches can implement data / information from tournaments and use AR Tennis as a tool to specifically target problem areas.

Current Training:

As you know, most of Tennis training is based on muscle memory, quick decisions when hitting a ball to a certain spot and the mental aspect.   In regards to muscle memory, this mostly relates to technical items pertaining to stroke production.   Another huge portion of Junior and College development is pattern training and execution of patterns.   Junior Players need to understand how to construct points and gain a solid position on the court during the point – as court positioning is a big part of high level Tennis.   Currently, traditional methods are used with placing cones on the court and telling the player to hit the cone or areas around it.   Through repetition, hitting thousands of Tennis Balls, players start to understand where they need to hit over the net to hit the ‘cone’ on the court.   But what if there was a way to help improve the learning curve of juniors and strengthen the understanding of high level college / professional players.   Through the use of Augmented Reality, AR Tennis LLC, has created a system that provides Coaches better tools to present and discuss match strategies and pattern training.   o allow players / coaches to place virtual targets / holograms over the net and arrange them to represent patterns.   This provides a visual for players to help to understand where over the net they need to pass through to hit their target on the court.  

Augmented Reality Tennis Training:

As mentioned, AR Tennis provides the ability to place virtual targets over the net to represent patterns.  The targets are extremely flexible – meaning that you can place the targets in any location over the net as you want, providing numerous patterns that you can create with multiple targets.   In addition to creating a visual over the net, Augmented Reality Tennis provides the ability to track data, save target positions and much more.   

Data Tracking:

Compared to physical objects as targets, AR Tennis allows the ability to record training sessions, save target positions and load them, ability to track ball trajectory and store data from training sessions.   This provides an advantage over physical targets, in that tracking and storing data allows players to better analyze training sessions, compare them to previous sessions and view improvement.  Coaches are provided with more visibility in player training, performance and better tools to understand weaknesses and measure improvement.  

How Do I get Started:

The AR Tennis App is an Augmented Reality app that uses an AR headset to run the application.   We are using the Magic Leap as an AR headset to house and run the application.   At AR Tennis, we have headsets that we include as part of our subscription package. We offer a monthly subscription plan that provides the headsets, application, support and any feature updates that we include as part of the core application.   Reach to us via our contact form to setup a call to review the AR Tennis application or subscribe for our monthly package.